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The Life Science Week aims to present Master, PhD and Post doc graduates several ways to find job opportunities outside of academia. Within five evening sessions our coaches teach twenty participants the basics of carrier management, the DO’s and DON’T’s of job interviews as well as the chances of hidden labour markets and give information to be successful in applying for a job. At the end the participants work out together with the coach first steps towards their self-directed carrier and by this they get a detailed overview about their resources they require. The week closes with a networking apéro with all coaches, which paves the way for further inspiring discussions.
Are you almost finished with your Masters, PhD or PostDoc and are looking for a job in industry?
We are pleased to announce the Zurich Life Science Week, which will take place this year from the 13-17th of May, at the University of Zurich (Irchel Campus).
Over 5 evenings, 20 select students will have the chance to attend workshops given by highly experienced career coaches. The program will teach you how to best seize job opportunities outside of academia.
You can register by submitting your CV and motivation letter on the following link:, until the 19th of April.
Check-out the program of the week, the career advisors invited and all the details related with the event in the link below: