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Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network

CC-Novartis-July 2022

Interested in knowing how is like to get a job as a life scientist in a company?

Then the Career Chats are for you! Throughout the year we organize several career chats where company representatives with a life scientist background are invited to give a talk about their career path in a specific field. During the event, the employees from a variety of different types of companies share with the audience their transition from academia to industry, their career experience, and give tips on how to better prepare for the job application process! Come and learn from the first-hand experience of successful life scientists!

Join us for the next Career Chat on the 16th of November with Associate Clinical Trial Lead
Dr. André Serra Roma from Novartis! 


Registration at: 
Registration deadline: 9th November, 17:00
We are looking forward to having you with us!



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