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Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network

08-2015 - Roche Glycart AG

A career in the pharmaceutical research industry?

Dear young scientists,

Have you wondered how you might continue your work as a scientist in industry? Or what it means to do research in a product-oriented environment? What advantages and drawbacks come from this type of work? Then our upcoming Career Chat with Roche Glycart AG on August 11th, 2015, is the opportunity you have been waiting for to learn more about doing research within big pharma.

Our guest speaker Claire Dunn, Senior Scientist at Roche Innovation Center Zurich (Roche Glycart AG), one of seven Roche Pharma Research and Early Development Centers, will share her personal experiences of conducting research in industry, give valuable insights into the Roche Innovation Center Zurich and talk about career opportunities at Roche.

Don’t miss your chance to profit from her knowledge and get all your questions about industrial research answered during the subsequent apéro!

Date: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

Time: 17:30

Location: Irchel Campus, Y03 G91

Come and join us for our next Career Chat!

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