Paula Carrio Cordo, M.Sc.
- Former active member
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Paula Carrio Cordo got her Bachelor Degree in Biology Science at the University of Oviedo, Spain in 2015. After this, she was awarded with a Master degree in Quantitative and Systems Biology by the University of Zurich. Followed by an internship at the EMBL-EBI Hinxton, she joined the Molecular Life Science Program at the University of Zurich where she is now pursuing her doctoral studies with Prof. Dr. Michael Baudis since August 2017. Her research focus on oncogenomics with the application of bioinformatic and statistical tools for the assessment of cancer heterogeneity. Besides this, Paula is currently an active member of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), editor of the Newsletter at the Institute of Molecular Life Science at the UZH, and an active member at the Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network (LSZYSN).